February 2024

Last month my parents and I visited Ruth’s House for dinner with Regina and Ruth. It was the first time that my parents were able to meet Ruth and see the house.

Ruth is on her summer break from school. Beyond getting a well deserved rest from her medical studies, Ruth went to an Assemblies of God camp and she attended a two week oratory course. Since she is required to give oral presentations in her medical field, she wanted to fine tune her public speaking skills. Beyond that, due to a special donation, Regina and I had the pleasure of accompanying her to a Christian bookstore where she purchased several books on topics ranging from godly leadership to womanhood to fiction by Francine Rivers.

Please pray for Ruth as she commences her second year of medical studies, that she balance her scholastic responsibilities with her social and church activities, and finds time to rest too.

Life at the children’s home Talita Cumi has been dynamic and high-spirited as the children are rounding out their summer vacation. A German missionary has been directing soccer training for the children and the aunties have been putting on competitive games. The girls are thrilled with their new dog, Jackson.

I’ve started leading a weekly devotional with the older boys at the home. We’re systematically going through the heroes and heroines of the faith outlined in Hebrews 11. We’ve already studied Abel and Noah, and we’ve recently started in on Abraham. We’re focusing on the principal themes of manhood and obedience. Please pray that God would make grow the seeds that are cast in these devotionals.

Last month we said “see you later” to the oldest boy, Lider. He currently works at a home improvement and construction retailer similar to Home Depot. It’s quite the accomplishment for a young man his age. I’ll be seeing a lot of Lider because he moved in with me! Please pray for good health and vigor for Lider as he works full time and attends night classes to finish his high school education. Please pray for wisdom for me as I seek to accompany him on this next stage in his life.

Thank you for your prayers. 

“Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon earth.” (Psalm 67:4)

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